French Cheese Club



au Calvados

(kam-um-BARE O KAL-vah-dohs)

The world's most famous cheese originated in the Pays d'Auge in Normandy. This camembert is flavored with Calvados and has a characteristic moldy rind with slight light brown molding. The aroma is clean and the creamy paste has delightful apple tones.

Serving:  Camembert makes a good snack. Serve a whole cheese on a cheese buffet or after a meal on a cheese tray.
Camembert also works very well in cooking applications. Remove the rind and melt into cream sauces for pasta and potatoes.
Accompaniment: baguette or rye bread and an apple
Wine Pairing: Hard sparkling Cider, Riesling, young fruity reds such has Beaujolais or Pinot Noir.

* Calvados is a dry apple brandy made in Normandy. Apple orchards and brewers are mentioned as far back as the 8th century by Charlemagne. The guild for cider distillation was created 1606. The area called "Calvados" was created after the French Revolution, but "Eau de vie de cidre" was already called "Calvados" in common usage. In the 19th century output increased with industrial distillation and the working class fashion for "Café-calva". When a phylloxera outbreak devastated the vineyards of France and the rest of Europe, calvados experienced a golden age. The appellation contrôlée regulations officially gave calvados a protected name in 1942.
Calvados is often used to cook particularly in chicken, veal and pork dishes.

E. Graindorge Page
(pasteurized in the US)
: Soft with bloomy white rind(edible)
: Medium to strong
Optimum Maturation
: 5 weeks
Maximum Maturation: 3 months

: Small = 5.3 oz. / regular = 8.8 oz. / Large = 2.2 lbs
Fat Content
: 50%
: wooden box and paper